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  • Bad Pritt


    Elden Ring Nightreign | New Preview Details:

    ▫️ Movement is faster - a sense of speed was important.
    ▫️ New movement abilities - Wall Run, Gliding with the Spectral Hawk, Sprint with L3 in addition to the regular dash.
    ▫️ One run takes about 35-40 minutes to complete.
    ▫️ Defeating powerful enemies or special groups will reward your team with a 'Latent Power' which allows you to select either one weapon or special ability each.
    ▫️ You can earn Relics when completing a mission which act as permanent upgrades that you can select and customize.
    ▫️ Some relics work at all times, some only work with certain classes, techniques, etc.
    ▫️ If you are near death during battle, your teammates can rescue you by attacking you.
    ▫️ You can also lock-on to a downed player and rescue them with a ranged attack.
    ▫️ Dying repeatedly makes it so rescuing you takes longer
    ▫️ During the day, dying will simply respawn you. At night, you will remain incapacitated until someone rescues you or rests at a Site of Grace.
    ▫️ New 'Night Tide' mechanic slowly shrinks the play area over time, eventually concluding with the boss fight at Nightfall.
    ▫️ You can share weapons and items you don't need with your teammates.
    ▫️ You can also pin dropped items to tell other players their location.
    ▫️ There will be 4 classes available in the Network Test.
    ▫️ More classes and bosses will be available in the full game and as DLC later this year.
    ▫️ Releasing May 30th at $39.99 for the Standard Edition.

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