- Nintendo Switch 2, vagy amit akartok (találgatós topik most még)
- Polgári repülőgép-szimulátorok
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) / Counter-Strike 2 (CS2)
- Delta Force béta teszt
- Nintendo Switch
- Valorant
- EAFC 25
- Diablo IV
- Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone - Elindult a Kickstarter kampány
- Hogwarts Legacy teszt
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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
nem írok semmi csúnyát, mert amire most gondolok, ha azt leírnám, instant ban-t kapnék PH!-ról
röviden, és finoman: hogy az a mocskos, büdös, tetves, ...! prgresselnénk, mennénk Al'arra, erre nem lehet még belogolni se, annyira xar a TN"Jelenleg a cloud nem más mint a sales által elhazudott és eladott utópia, egy ígéret, csalánba csomagolt mézesmadzag, amit az üzemeltetés f@$zával vernek" | Feel the power! Intel Core i7 | iPhone 14Pro 256GB | iPad Pro 2017 64GB
válasz -conrad- #395 üzenetére
ehhez még annyi kéne, h vmi olyan időpontban kapcsolják vissza a szervereket, ami a US és EU szervereken is jó, és mindezt egyszerre! miért is? mert brutális hajtás lesz Vashj és Kael'thas killekért. nagyjából már megvannak a kombók, h 2.1 után ki milyen elixir és potikat fog használni, részemről elkezdtem a spejzolást szerintem eszméletlen roham lesz a 25 fős instákban...
"Jelenleg a cloud nem más mint a sales által elhazudott és eladott utópia, egy ígéret, csalánba csomagolt mézesmadzag, amit az üzemeltetés f@$zával vernek" | Feel the power! Intel Core i7 | iPhone 14Pro 256GB | iPad Pro 2017 64GB
Valaki felhomályosítana, hogy hogy tudok olyan macro-t írni ami automatikusan válaszol valami kedveset a gold spammereknek?
Es mondd, a passzatszelet szemelyesen fingtad, vagy csak iranyitottal?
válasz -conrad- #395 üzenetére
Istennek írják ki hogy 13:00 CEST (Párizs). Ha nem biztosak magukban akkor hagyják ki vagy mittudom én. Erre sikerült úgy frissíteni hogy 16:00 CEST. Felőlem lehet szerda, (és tudom hogy szerdán van karbantartás) de akkor korrekt módon írják már ki!
válasz japeen_hun #394 üzenetére
Na milyen nap van, na milyeen? Szerda.
Sztem pöccsölik a szervereket.
[link] Ha esetleg ez igaz lenne, akkor még lesz egy kis szünet...
[Szerkesztve] -
Hello! 16 óra elmúlott és még mindig nem üzemel a server.. Mi van ilyenkor? Ezért fizetem?
Ezt én nemértem.http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=The+Maelstrom&n=Japeen
amikor én meguntam hogy lassan megy csak az aldor felfelé, megnéztem fs -n található linket, kiirta hogy 23,71 fel armanent kell az exaltedhez. gyors if portál, be ahba, és vettem 24 fel armanentet, leadtam, és meg is lett az exalted kb 350g volt
Amazon.co.uk, £50 értékű Gift Card cserélhető/eladó
Az sem rossz megoldás, de valahogy mindíg van mibe fektetnem a pénzem. Most kb áll 1000 goldom large prismatic shardban és még van 2 stack primal manám, és pár stack fel iron cashingem. Majd 2.1 után meglátjuk, hogy jut-e repuhúzásra cash, vagy megint lesz valami, amibe befektetek.
less qq more pewpew!
nekem mage -el a repu farm nem volt nehéz 2-3 lövés/mob ha kell van poli is
hát a gold az meg mindig elmegy hát most is csak 1800g van nálam pedig két napja volt 2500
én a vart clothokba tárolom a pénzem föként mindig van nálam 10-20db
[Szerkesztve]May the Force be with you!
senior tag
én inkább AH-ban vettem Fel Armament-et az utólsó pár 1000 repuhoz aldor exalted eléréséhez, nálunk jóval olcsóbb mint scryers repus cucc
Mindenkit felpofoztatok a bakterral!
válasz Polacheck #384 üzenetére
még mindig jobb, mintha állandóan vizet kérnek tőled, meg portált, és a végén még ők akarnak róla meggyőzni, hogy nem is lock vagy, hanem mage...
tudjátok, az örökérvényű: [link]''Ne menj sebesülten vadászni, mer' lehet, hogy lelegelnek az őzek'' by elmoraan(r) a ''Nők, nőügyek'' topikban
ami viszont nagyon b@ssza a csőröm és repu:
-1 steam vault, és megvan a heroic kulcs
-1 shattered és megvan a heroic kulcs
-1 shadow lab, és megvan a heroic kulcs (és onnan még 1 akármi, és megvan az ottani epixx gyűrű is)
és már 3 hete nem jön össze egyik se puggal sem, pedig már úgy is próbálkozok...''Ne menj sebesülten vadászni, mer' lehet, hogy lelegelnek az őzek'' by elmoraan(r) a ''Nők, nőügyek'' topikban
grats! én kb 4950g-nyire vagyok ettől az érzéstől
scryerrel majdnem megvan már a revered!"Jelenleg a cloud nem más mint a sales által elhazudott és eladott utópia, egy ígéret, csalánba csomagolt mézesmadzag, amit az üzemeltetés f@$zával vernek" | Feel the power! Intel Core i7 | iPhone 14Pro 256GB | iPad Pro 2017 64GB
válasz Polacheck #377 üzenetére
és akkor a kívánságműsorból adódó buffbot szerepéről még nem is beszéltünk nemtom, h ha warrinál maradok, akkor én is variáltam volna a dolgokat (főleg ha 2 pala van összesen a raidben) de most időnként nemtom, h merre áll a fejem. pl a Solarian phase váltásnál bekövetkező ''akin salva van, arra wisdom/might, majd ha a boss kijön vissza az eredeti felállás'' dologtól kapok hülyét. komolyan mondom, buff táblázattal megyek raid-elni. reroll elhatározásakor számítottam erre. félreértés ne essék, nem whine a dolog. nagyon élvezem, csak fárasztó. nem kicsit.
sry, ha kicsit elkanyarodtam a témától"Jelenleg a cloud nem más mint a sales által elhazudott és eladott utópia, egy ígéret, csalánba csomagolt mézesmadzag, amit az üzemeltetés f@$zával vernek" | Feel the power! Intel Core i7 | iPhone 14Pro 256GB | iPad Pro 2017 64GB
akkor a BE pala q jóval könnyebb némi szokásos rohangálás, 1 (vagy 2? ) outdoor küldi EPL-en, utána Stratholme. kb 1-1,5 óra alatt összehozható
"Jelenleg a cloud nem más mint a sales által elhazudott és eladott utópia, egy ígéret, csalánba csomagolt mézesmadzag, amit az üzemeltetés f@$zával vernek" | Feel the power! Intel Core i7 | iPhone 14Pro 256GB | iPad Pro 2017 64GB
gz m8. Én lila páncélzatúval járkálok
A repufarmot megértem. Még pontosan 20k kellene az alddor exaltedhez és 7k a Shattar exaltedhez, de ha a tempest keepes insták közelébe megyek már elhányom magam. A démonfarmolástól pedig igencsak herótom van elég régóta.less qq more pewpew!
tegnap két nagyon örvendetes dolog is történt velem
az egyik, hogy végre megtehettem életem legdrágább kattintását, 5k arany hussss, mintha soha nem lett volna cserébe egy szép, zölden páncélozott griffem. screenshot majd jön, ha egyszer meg tudok állapodni a netszolgáltatómmal a tárhelyemet illetően...
a második, hogy alig két órával a jeles esemény után befejeztem a scryers repu farmolását is, meglett velük az exalted mellesleg ha még 1 sunfury conjurort le kell öljek, el fogom magam hányni kb revered 5k=>21k közötti mennyiséget netherstormban farmolva értem el, óránként durván 2k repu jött... és mentem volna nagy boldogan megvenni az epixx gyűrűmet, ámde az a nyüvedék 71g-be került, nálam viszont 69g volt, totál le voltam nullázva a mount miatt... szerencsére a bankkarimnál volt még 100g, úgyhogy egy gyors ki-be loggolás megoldotta a problémát...''Ne menj sebesülten vadászni, mer' lehet, hogy lelegelnek az őzek'' by elmoraan(r) a ''Nők, nőügyek'' topikban
törölt tag
Lezuzzlak-bloodscalp-lvl 43 dwarf paladin.
A pala tényleg szar lessz 40 után? -
aktív tag
Pala lónál is először Dire Maul nyugati szárny jön, bár csak első boss kell, utána jön Scholo, ahol 4 hullámban jönnek szellemek, utána jön egy nevesített valaki, akit ha leölsz, van is lovad. Persze mindezt megelőzi jó sok futkosás, míg egy csomó vackot összeszedsz, ami kell a questadó mukiknak.
Ami rém kellemetlen lehet, hogy egy haverom a múltkor csinálta, nagy nehezen szerzett is csapatot DiMbe, aztán leölték a bosst, de nem akart neki működni a quest. Merthogy elfelejtett Southshore-ban varázsmágiás lótápot venni előtte... -
válasz whitezo88 #367 üzenetére
mobként ott van, de nem verheő, tekintve pl h a legendary fegyvereknek egyelőre csak papíron van meg az extra tulajdonságuk, ha egyáltalán lootolni engedi őket. még Nihilum-ék is hagyják a francba
"Jelenleg a cloud nem más mint a sales által elhazudott és eladott utópia, egy ígéret, csalánba csomagolt mézesmadzag, amit az üzemeltetés f@$zával vernek" | Feel the power! Intel Core i7 | iPhone 14Pro 256GB | iPad Pro 2017 64GB
hát miután mindent összegyűjtöttél, elküldenek dire maulba, nyugati ágba. ott meg kell ölni a főbosst, aztán idézéskor jön 5 percig egy rakat imp meg egyszerre 3 felguard (ha 1 meghal jön helyette másik, és ezek 60as elitek) majd a végén jön a paci, aki egy 62es elite, majd kicsit rá a gazdi, egy 62es dreadlord ha ők megvannak akkor csak dumálni kell a szellemmel és kész
aham és amúgy Kaelhoz mi kell? illetve csak ptren van, simán még nem elérhető?
MOD: tadaaam : [link]
[Szerkesztve] -
válasz whitezo88 #362 üzenetére
ja, Vashj-nál vagyunk, phase1-et már különösebb gond nélkül sikerül abszolválni, phase2-ben még brutális káosz van. ennek megfelelően 70% a best try (annyin megy át P2-be).
ma ha a szerver és minden más is úgy akarja, akkor Al'ar lesz."Jelenleg a cloud nem más mint a sales által elhazudott és eladott utópia, egy ígéret, csalánba csomagolt mézesmadzag, amit az üzemeltetés f@$zával vernek" | Feel the power! Intel Core i7 | iPhone 14Pro 256GB | iPad Pro 2017 64GB
válasz whitezo88 #362 üzenetére
Yóóól érted, a Public Enemy Vashjon szív jelenleg
anulu, a Method is megölte valahogy, nektek is mehet
Pola, holnap lesz csak meg, ma más dolgom van"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice." (Wolverine) / "Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically... run." (a 11. Doktor)
palának inkább a +mp/5 cucc jobb, mint a spirit, mert a pala semmi bónuszt nem kap a spiritje után (a papokkal ellentétben), és olyan skillje sincs, hogy castolás közben is kapja vissza a manát..
''Ne menj sebesülten vadászni, mer' lehet, hogy lelegelnek az őzek'' by elmoraan(r) a ''Nők, nőügyek'' topikban
senior tag
szerintem prince maceja jobb mint maidené, Light's Justice [link] gondolm ezt is tápolni fogják, 3szor öltünk eddíg princet 1szer esett a fa druidánk vitte remélem a köv. az enyém lesz, sem a shatar exalted sem az eternityt nincs kedvem kifarmolni, bár a shatar exalted előbb-utóbb úgyis meglesz, amúgy paladin mennyi manaregent kap spiritből? papnak kb. 1,5 spirit 1 mp/5
Mindenkit felpofoztatok a bakterral!
nézegettem WoR-en az upgrade-lt cuccokat. hááááát! Maiden healec mace-ja 50hup-ot kapott! nehogymá' le kelljen járnom kifarmolni anno 1x láttam kiesni, akkor shardoltuk, merthogy mindenkinél Hand of Eternity volt.
"Jelenleg a cloud nem más mint a sales által elhazudott és eladott utópia, egy ígéret, csalánba csomagolt mézesmadzag, amit az üzemeltetés f@$zával vernek" | Feel the power! Intel Core i7 | iPhone 14Pro 256GB | iPad Pro 2017 64GB
Solarian ismét lefeküdt, és 2-ből 2. alkalommal dobta a pala övet, így már nekem is megvan
Vashj Phase 1-ről pici beszámoló: ha 2 pala össze tud dolgozni, akkor annyi elégnek tűnik az MT freedomban tartásához, ha pici csúszás van, az cumi. 15k armorba simán 6-7k-t meelezik/sec. még Solarian-ról rajtam volt a flask, és P1 végére száraz voltam manával (mana poti nélkül egyelőre) amúgy hangulatos fight
Phase 2-ben ömlenek az addok. van 4 darab lámpa. alapból 2k körüli lightning boltokat dobál 5 random emberre, ha 1 add beér az kb +10% dmg a boltnak. random addból esik item, amit ki kell lootolni és használni kell az egyik lámpá, ekkor az elpusztul, és Vashj veszít -5% hp-t.
fun fight, a gond vele az, h kb csak és kizárólag bemákolni lehet a phase 3-at"Jelenleg a cloud nem más mint a sales által elhazudott és eladott utópia, egy ígéret, csalánba csomagolt mézesmadzag, amit az üzemeltetés f@$zával vernek" | Feel the power! Intel Core i7 | iPhone 14Pro 256GB | iPad Pro 2017 64GB
Wall of text jön
How many Paladins does it take to fix a light bulb?
Two. One to change it, the other to uphold the light.
How many Shamans does it take to change a light bulb?
2 - one to change the light bulb the other to keep earth shocking the paladin thats continally doing holy light in the old light bulb...
Q. How many mages does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Just one, as long as you're happy to change it into a sheep
Q. How many Rogues does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Six. One to change it and five to gank any n00bs trying to change it back.
Q. How many Gnomes does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. Eleven. One to design a lightbulb changing device and ten to form a Gnome-pyramid to get it up there.
Q. How many Night-Elves does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. Seven. One to change it and six to vacuously dance naked around it.
Q) How many Paladins does it take to change a light bulb?
A) Paladins can't! The skill was nerfed in beta.
Q: how many paladins does it take ro change a light bulb?
A: 100, but they all bubbles up and HS away
Q. How many Shamans does it take to change a lightbulb.
A. Ten. One to change it and nine to defend their over-powered, instant 'lighbulb change shock' from nerf-calls.
Q. How many Priests does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Just the one. The rest of the world has to revolve around them.
Q. How many Priests does it take to change a light bulb
A. N/A, for fear of getting aggro from the kitchen appliances, clearly a warrior needs to go in first
Q. How many Priests does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. None. They aren't lightbulb changing specced, they get no honor from changing lightbulbs so they have gone shadow specced. And no they wont join a group/raid to change a lightbulb cos that will nerf their honor too.
Q: How many Alliance does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Five. Four to keep it busy, and one to run away and call for backup.
Q. How many WoW GMs does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None, light bulb is currently working as intended.
Q. How many UO GMs does it take to change a light bulb?
A. I'm sorry but we cannot help you with that issue.
Q. How many SOE officials does it take to change a lightbulb
A. 1 but you will have to pay them to change it, and pay for the bulb.
Q. How many SWG GM's does it take to change a lightbulb
A. No lightbulbs will be changed untill after the combat update!
Q. How many WoW developers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. 2! The first to create an overpowered lightbulb with the luminance of the sun. The 2nd to nerf it to a more acceptable level
Q: How many game devs does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: A whole team, but they are working on it and the lighbulb will be changed in an upcoming patch. No ETA is available at the moment though.
Q: How many CMs does it take to change the light bulb
A: 1 who looks at Mage forums and sees nerf it and they nerf it, then they claim its just glowing unbright and its working as intended
Q: How many Undead does it take to change a light bulb?
A: About 20, one taking up the quest for a new lightbulb and 19 apothecaries conconcting a new lightbulb made up from several unholy fragments, bestial intestines, rare plants and icors found in the world of Azeroth.
Q. How many rogues does it take to change a light bulb
A. 0mgz0r are you kidding? And give up the added stealth bonus, that enables me to 0wnz0r the subsequent n00bs that are scared of a little dark. Stfu working as intended.
Q. How many mages does it take to change a light bulb?
A. One. If he isnt resisted...
Q. How many druids does it take to change a light bulb.
A. One, though it's candle light form isn't that effective
Q: How many hunters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Fifteen. One to get beaten by the bulb even after feigning, four to pull adds with their pets, nine to whine in the forums untill everyone's ears bleed, and one to actually do what they're supposed to and change the frickin' lightbulb.
Q: How many hunters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: 1, he just has to ninja the light bulb the rogue wanted
Q. How many hunters to change a light bulb?
A. None, placing a freeze trap directly under it and waiting for a rogue to come along could be amusing for hours.
Q: How many Orcs does it take to change a light bulb?
A: 11 - 1 to hold the bulb, 10 to turn the ceiling
Q: How many Tauren does it take to change a light bulb?
A: 2 - 1 to put in the bulb, the other to open the window, to let out the usual cow methane gasses, in case of spark and explosion.
Q: How many ninja looters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: What light bulb?
Q. How many ninja-looters does it take it change a lightbulb?
A. None! My little brother changed it when I went to the toilet! I'm really sorry!
Q how many warlocks does it take to....
A One but it costs a soulshard.
Q How many Goblins to change a light bulb?
A 11 1 to invent a new type of light blub, and 10 to be affected by whatever side effects the lightbulb may have
Q. How many Warriors does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None. It's clearly a Hunter light bulb
Q: How many Legashi satyrs do you need too change a lightbulb?
A: 1 to change the lightbulb and about 20 to distract the chinese gold farmers
Q: How many Undead Rogues to change a Lightbulb?
A: 2, one to guard the lightbulb in stealth while the other one gets his mommy, since he is only 11 years old and yet don't know how to change a Lightbulb.
Q. How many paladins does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Unknown. They were all too afraid of the dark and hearthstoned home inside their safety-bubbles.
Q. How many 1337s does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Approximately 10, but it depends on how many of them are AFK, running against a wall somewhere in Alterac Valley.
Q: How many chinese goldfarmer does it takes to change a light bulb?
A: The true questions is ''what does it drop?'', ''how often does the bulb spawns?'' and ''for how much does it sell on ebay?''
Q: How many murlocs are needed to change a light bulb?
Q: How many hunters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, we can track you in the dark.
Q: How many Orcs does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Light bulb? What happened to the torches?
Q How many mages does it take to change a lightbulb ?
A Just one, but you'll have to wait, as he just changed another and have to wait for the 1hr cooldown to wear of.
Q. How many NE Druids does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. None. They just sit in the dark and sing about the light that once was.
Q. How many goblins does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Depends on how many you can afford.
Q. How many gold farmers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Q. How many blizz devs does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. 1 to fix it in next patch. 10 to paste support answers about broken light bulb in forum. None to test it before released thus shorting out 10 other light bulbs. But atleast the 1 light bulb works.
Q. How many lightbulbs does it take to change a Warlock?
A. One. Clearly lightbulbs are imba against Warlocks
Q. How many mages does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Two, one to change the lightbulb the other to serve refreshments
Q: How many warlocks?
A: Change Lightbulb? That's not a warlock spell, you need a mage.
Q: How many Hunters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, they can't, it's in their deadzone.
Q How many Goldfarmers does it take to change a light bulb?
A. 16. 10 to discuss about who is going to buy the new lightbulb. 5 to go to thottbot and see which creatures have the best chance of dropping a light bulb and go grind till they drop. 1 to ask a friend to buy him a new light bulb for 5 copper and change it.
Q: How many Kobold's does it take to change a light bulb ?
A: You no change Candle !
Q. how many orc it takes to change a light bulb?
A. one to put it in position, and an infinite time waiting the earth to turn on itself to spin it in.
Q: How many techsupport workers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None, the question is how many techsupport workers does it take to explain how a light switch works to the average customer?
Q: How many Taurens does it take to chance a light bulb?
A: One, but a lot of light bulbs. (They'd break the bulbs with the bare hands)
Q: How many ninja-looters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: N/A, they would take both new and old bulb, and HS away.
Q: How many Rogues does it...you know the drill...
A: N/A, it would break stealth, and leave them open to the shammies.
Q: How many Shamans?
A: 0.34 shaman is enough.
Q: Gnomes?
A: N/A, it would not be 'just' a light bulb anymore. It would be the 'Glow-bright-o-matic Illuminator bowl, v. 1k' And it would backfire.
Q. How many Tauren Druids does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Two, one to plant the bulb, nurture and water it.
When she fails, the other druid warstomps a hole in the ceiling to enable the spiritual life giving light of the Earth Mother to shine upon the room.
Q. How many hunters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A. N/A hunters have been screwed enough by blizzard to start worrying about lightbulbs
Q. How many alliance does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. depends, can you find one old enough to be allowed to use ladders by their mother?
Q. How many alliance does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. 30 to farm herbs for the other 10 to spam Free action potions and swiftness potions, just incase there is a Horde on the same map...
Q. How many undead does it take to screw in a lightbulb
A. 1 with will of forsaken to dispel fear of the dark...
Q: How many Warlocks does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Two, one to permafear the old bulb and one to screw the new one in before old bulb immunes.
Q. How many hunters does it take to change a light bulb?
A. 5. One to FD-Freeze-Trap it until it changes and 4 to ninjaloot it, cause it has hunter-stats.
Q: How many lightbulbs must a man change?
A: 42.
Q: How many paladins does it take to change a lightbulb.
A: Paladins can't and don't need to change lightbulbs. They use holy light to instantly recharge the old lightbulbs. If they try to put in another lightbulb, they end up overcharging it with the Light
Q. How many Undead does it take to change a lightbulb?
Answer: None - The bulb is clearly holy, and therefore it would damage them.
Q. How many forum/WoW nerds does it take to change a lightbulb?
Answer: Arrrgh! The light! Get it off me, it burns my pale skin! Arrrrrrgh!
Q: how many shamans does it take to chanse a light bulb?
A: zero, blizzard will do it for them
Q. How many Alliance players does it take to change a lightblub?
A. None, they just wait until Blizzard nerfs Darkness
Q. how mant Warriors and Hunters does it take to change a lightbulb?
Q: How many druids does it take to change a light bulb?
A: 1 but it takes a damn long time.
Q: How many Druids does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, because all druids think they will be able to go bulbform in 1.7 patch
Q: How many Blizzard employees does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: You nuts? With all the money they make from those hundreds of thousands of pay-to-play customers they'll just buy a whole new house, including working lamps.
Q. How many level 60's does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. One, but it'd take a while for one to turn up who wasn't busy Ganking or Instancing.
Q. How many Alliance does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. To be fair, 1 could change it, but no one can get to it cos they all keep falling into the trench in Ironforge.
Q. How many players on Warsong does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. We need a group of 5, but some Russian keeps pulling and getting us wipped.
Q. How many Miner/Engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. 15. 14 to find the appropriate rare drops from minerals. 1 to spend 30g on AH to buy them to make the new lightbulb.
Q: How many warlocks do you need to change a light-bulb?
A: One, but they need two friends to help hold the light-bulb AND STAND STILL, DAMMIT!
Q. How many imps does it take to change a light bulb?
A-''U cant handle this yourself??'' [demonic]:Jasnm ias jnsb sdf
Q. How many druid sdoes it take to change a light bulb?
A-Just one, but he has to go to moonglade and do some quests before he gets the spell to change the light bulb
Q: How many 1337 kids does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Only n00bs change lightbulbs.
Q. How many Shadow Priests does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None. Shadow Priests don't change light bulbs, they melt faces...
Q) How many members of the Emerald Circle are needed to change a light bulb?
A) They won't change the bulb, but they will try restoring the darkness that fell on the land below it....
Q. How many Rogues does it take to change a Lightbulb?
A. No one knows, they all have Master of Deception!
Q. How many Blizzard Team does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. None, they stick it in an instance and wait for a 40-Man raid to do it for them, with the drop rate of [New Lightbulb] being 0.01% - And a Green
Q: How many WoW-players does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Forty. Thirtynine to argue over who has the need to change it, and one to ninjachange it.
Q: How many Ironforge dwarves does it take to change a lightbulb ?
A: None. Ironforge is lit by braziers, d00b !
Q. How many hunters does it take to change the kitchen light bulb?
A. 20. One to change it and the rest to roll on the kitchen knives because ''we melee, too''.
Q: How many Alliance does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: 10 to zerg into the room only to find out that nobody actually knows what to do, and then to run away again in fear when they find out that they only outnumber the horde 3 to 1.
Q: How many patches does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: This download is not authorised by this tracker!
Q: How many succubi does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Only one, but she'll have to keep smacking her ass until somebody else does it for her.
Q. How many Timbermaw Furbolgs does it take to change a lightbulb?
4 to find a good spot to change it, hopefully a place with lots of traffic.
5 to make sure they all stay mad at people passing their camp.
5 to aggro all people trying to get pass the lightbulb area.
10 to stay calm and friendly for friendly players grinding other lightbulb-changing Furbolgs.
Q. How Many Blizzard Tech Support to change a light bulb?
(those suffering from the error 132 bug will appreciate this one)
A. Theres nothing wrong with our light bulb, it's more likely defective eyes or visual cortex at your end - please try the following as a work arounds for the light bulb problem.
Shut down all other sources of background light.
Try removing one of your eyes or swapping the position of your eyes.
Try adjusting the setting of your optic nerve.
Try running your head with the casing off to prevent overheating.
Q: How man alliance does it take to change a light bulb
6 Paladins to create 1 big immunity bubbles
4 druids to run in cat form and call for help (3 die because they are underpowered)
2 Gnomes to design a lightbulb with bright pink hair and a built in immunity shield (which CAN backfire)
4 priest to heal just incase the contraption does backfire
1 Goblin to make a bulb that acctually DOESN'T backfire when this one DOES backfire.
1 Corpse camper, to camp the old light bulb and make sure it doesnt ressurect.
40 man raid to hold of the ''overpowered shaman as it tries to ressurect the old light bulb.
1 Balance specced druid to create a hurricane that doesnt do enough damage to kill anything, but has a small chance to break any rogues trying to stealth into the immunity bubble
2 Mages to polymorph the old lighbulb if it does happen to ressurect.
1 L33T speaker to say words like ''Agol'' ''Bur'' and ''Ver'' to scare the horde away
1 mage to make a portal to the lightbulb shop because some joker sold the goblin lightbulb, that was only obtainable through a quest.
1 naked nightelf to put them all in the BG que and go and spam LEEEEROOOOOY JEEEENKINS in orgrimmer.
1 Ninja looter to Ninja an EPIC electricity source of the onxyia (the oxyias electrified mojo)
1 (lvl 60) king of stormwind to authourise usage of this lightbulb
10 alliance to go and free the king of stormwind from dustwallow marsh and escprt him home.
2 Alliance to cry because the changing of the lightbulb is bugged, and whenever you click the ''use'' button, you get teleported into a room of angry pinkhaired gnomes with a licence to be homosexual
1 Dev to release a hotfix.
2 Alliance to comfort the two alliance crying
1 GM to explain how the lightbulb is already working fine, and to put in the new epic light bulb would make it ''overpowered''
82 Alliance druids to use their 30 min CD res, to ressurect all the alliance that jumped of a cliff when the GM made the post.
1 Retarded and completely bored horde player, to post it all on the forums and also put the word ''Buff Druids'' and ''Nerf Paladins'' at the bottom of his thread.
Q: How many Alterac Valley players does it take to change a lightbulb?
* 2 Rogues, one to pull all the shards of the broken lightbulb away so the other rogue can change it, only to find out that it breaks again 10 seconds later.
* 30 to randomly run into the darkness screaming LEEEROY! and FOR THE HORDE/ALLIANCE untill they stumble over something in the darkness and die.
* 4 rogues to farm batteries and 2 to find old flashlights so the 30 above won't get lost in the darkness and die.
* One evil paladin to steal all the flashlights and run off into the darkness, where others can't follow.
* One paladin who just use his holy bubble to see what he is doing when he changes the lightbulb.
* ...and 3 other evil paladins to break three more lightbulbs in the house. Finally the main fuse goes off and it takes 3 hours in the darkness before someone gets a new fuse so we can start changing lightbulbs again.
Q: How many Blizzard employees does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Pretty much all of them. It will take around 5 years. They use the old light bulb as a start then they make alot of new light bulbs that they toss away until they finally find a light bulb that matches their standard.
When the light bulb is finished and screwed in everyone will agree that it is the best light bulb ever, but after a few months ppl will point out how the once mighty light bulb could be made better and that Blizzard must have been really stupid when they made the light bulb.
Blizzard will then make an addon for the light bulb that will again make it the best light bulb there is until ppl get tired of the light bulb 1.1 and again starts pointing out how other light bulbs are better.
Q: How many players does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: 40 to form an initial raid group to change the light bulb.
Another 12 to replace those guys who left because of the lag.
Another 1 to replace the guy who said 'my ping > yours', and then disconnected.
Another 21 to replace the guys that never came back after the server crashed.
And 39 more because the group leader figured he didn't have a light bulb at all.
Q. How many WoW forum posters does it take to change a light bulb?
1 to post it on the forum and asking for a blue to fix it.
4 to flame him for asking a blue to help with changing light bulbs.
12 to flame the people flaming the original poster, and adding that Blizz light bulb support sucks.
8 to suggest that Blizzard should upgrade their light bulbs.
3 to jump in, say they're light bulb experts, and post three completely conflicting opinions on Blizzard's light bulbs.
34 to randomly quote posts and say ''QFT!'' or ''Noob!''.
1 to post ''LEEEEEROY'', and 344 to quote and post ''JEEEENKINS''.
4 to post a sarcastic reply which the majority ignores.
6 to start their own thread on something completely different within the subject.
1 to eventually provide a full, serious answer.
14 to flame the serious answer and tell the person giving the answer to ''STAY ON TOPIC NUB''.
1 to revive the topic a few weeks later.
1 blue to lock the topic asking the original poster to refrain from posting in all caps.
Q. How many warlocks does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Two to farm shards for healthstones and soulstones for extra protection since to their class gear got ninjaed by shadow priests and mages.
Three to help summon their friends back from the soul shard farming, in return requiring more farming.
Another six to summon a doomguard for advice, five for the summon and another one for farming the shard for a soulstone on the poor smuck that dies.
Two more to fight the infernal that some idiot summoned screaming, and I quote: ''The light is upon us! Bathe in the glory of the burning legion!''
Three more to yell at the idiot who banished the infernal, which gives constant interrupts to anyone close to it.
Five more arguing who would win in a fight between dacke and drakedog. Another five arguing what is the best of using Sm/Ruin or Md/Ruin.
Fifteen more to make constant bug reports on how neither of these spells works as intended.
And one lvl 1 warlock to do the screwing.
Q. How many quests does it take to change a lightbulb?
A. 1 to go to the lightbulb shop and return to him with it.
Another to goto his freind who has experience in changing lightbulbs.
3 quests to convince his freind that you are of pure intentions and wish to change the bulb for the good of all mankind.
Another to find his lost book of Lightbulbs and return it to him.
A the final one to battle against an army of elites, while all of your freinds are out stuck on quest 4, then to screw in the lightbulb.
[Szerkesztve]"I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice." (Wolverine) / "Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically... run." (a 11. Doktor)
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