
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Sami22

    aktív tag

    Csak hogy ezen a fórumon is szó legyen róla. A lényeg:

    That's not the case, however. According to a leaked copy of the full legal agreement behind the promotion, video creators "may not say anything negative or disparaging about Machinima, Xbox One, or any of its Games" and must keep the details of the promotional agreement confidential in order to qualify for payment. In other words, to get the money, video makers have to speak positively (or at least neutrally) about the Xbox One, and they can't say they're being paid to do so. [link]

    Minden 1000 megtekintés után 3 dollár jár a készítőnek, a machinimán keresztül a microsoft zsébéből. Így higyjen az ember a youtube-os teszteknek. Szép lassan tönkrevágják ezt is.

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