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    válasz ph2012 #50663 üzenetére

    Én a Firefoxhoz az uBlock Origin-t használom. Neked is azt javaslom, mert az az eredeti, míg az AdBlock Pro csak egy koppintás.

    Idézet az előbbi linkemből:

    "Raymond Hill, creator of uBlock Origin, left a review for Adblock Pro on the Google Chrome web store that highlighted this, and other interesting tidbits.

    I am the developer of uBlock Origin.

    This is essentially the same code base as an older version (circa 1.7.4) of uBlock Origin, but with Google Analytics hook added to the manifest. Note the absence of privacy policy.

    Also, aside google-analytics.com, whoever is behind this extension added another Content Security Policy directive which should really not be needed (the ability to embed Flash objects in the extension code itself). I consider this suspicious.

    Also, the maintainer of Adblock Pro apparently does not want users to find out that the code was taken from the uBlock Origin project, the "About" pane has been removed from the dashboard."

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