Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
TheProb #1770 üzenetére
Nekem meglepően gyorsan ideért...
Detailed Shipment tracking 18/08/2020 12:23
The parcel has been delivered.
Hungary Fertőszentmiklós
18/08/2020 07:27
The parcel is expected to be delivered during the day.
Hungary Fertőszentmiklós
18/08/2020 06:50
The parcel has reached the parcel center.
Hungary Fertőszentmiklós
17/08/2020 18:35
The parcel has reached the parcel center.
Hungary Alsónémedi
13/08/2020 22:45
The parcel has reached the parcel center.
Germany Neuenstein
13/08/2020 22:45
The parcel has left the parcel center.
Germany Neuenstein
12/08/2020 22:53
The parcel has left the parcel center.
Spain Santa Perpètua de Mogoda
11/08/2020 21:03
The parcel has reached the parcel center.
11/08/2020 20:28
The parcel has left the parcel center.
Spain San Fernando de Henares (Madrid)
11/08/2020 20:28
The parcel was handed over to GLS.
Spain San Fernando de Henares (Madrid)
11/08/2020 11:28
The parcel data was entered into the GLS IT system; the parcel was not yet handed over to GLS.Rendelés, fizetés : 08.10 15h
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