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    Voyager annivesary giveaway.

    A Celebration of the VoyagerOn PC, claim your free gifts for the 30-year anniversary of Star Trek: Voyager!
    By Fero January 15, 2025, 08:00 AM
    "For I dipt in to the future, far as human eye could see; Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be." Alfred, Lord Tennyson
    It's been 30 years since the brave crew of the U.S.S. Voyager were lost in the Delta Quadrant and the amazing tales of their return to Starfleet Command in the year 2377.
    As with all renowned Starfleet Vessels, we celebrate their brave adventures. All Captains on PC can claim the following items in-game FOR FREE from January 15th at 8am PT until January 19th at 12pm PT:
    T6 Long Range Science VesselT5 Kazon Heavy RaiderFaction-Appropriate EMH Mk I Science Officer
    The T6 and T5 ships can be claimed once per account. You must have an empty ship slot available to unpack your ship. We’re aiming to have this giveaway available for console Captains on February 18!

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