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    válasz stojesz #45660 üzenetére

    Igen, így kellene működnie, de a telepítés menete a linkelt oldalon le is van írva.
    0. use SuperOneClick for root
    1. Download 2ndinit 1.4.2
    2. install 2ndinit (Important!:following the instructions)
    3. Boot into bootmenu by pressing volume down when device flashes a blue led at bootup. Set default boot mode to 2nd init.
    4. Select Recovery/Stable Recovery. Choose "Wipe Data/Cache" option. Let finish.
    5. Choose Install zip from SD Card, select WajkIUI_multilang .zip and let it finish.
    6. select "Wipe Cache" then go to Advanced and select "Wipe Dalvik Cache". Reboot Now!
    (If you are stuck on boot (Motorola logo), do 4th and 6th point again.)
    7. After boot, set your prefered language in Settings menu
    8. Done! Recommend: use Battery Calibration for maximum battery
    ps.: i use 2.2 CEE Froyo ROM for base

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