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válasz attiati #14791 üzenetére
GMX is a very good and RELIABLE email provider. Since GMX is the biggest provider of free email in Germany it is for sure here to stay. Note: Unfortunately GMX discontinued their English language service lately. They now only maintain the German user interface. Tip: You can use a free Online translation services or a dictionary for help with the German sign-up form. We think that GMX is so good, it is worth the sign-up trouble!
Recent change as of November 2007: John from UK reports: Hi, I just wanted to let you know, EU members can now once again sign up for GNX using their own choice of password and user name, simply by going to http://www.gmx.com and the system should automatically detect where you are located and offer the correct page.
POP3: pop.gmx.net
SMTP: mail.gmx.net"Mindig is első szerettem volna lenni!" - II. János Pál pápa
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