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Utolsó frissítés: 2024. november
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
tjb007 #42105 üzenetére
Közben rákerestem...
Using your peripherals is surprisingly easy. All of these input peripherals should “just work” — no rooting or other tweaks required.
Mouse: Connect a mouse and you will see a familiar mouse cursor appear on your screen. The cursor can be used to navigate through Android’s interface, clicking on things you’d normally tap. It works just like it would on a computer. Of course, you can also still reach out and touch the screen while the mouse is connected.
Keyboard: Your keyboard should just work when typing in text fields, allowing you to type at a reasonable speed on a mechanical keyboard and see more of the screen by removing the need for the on-screen, touch keyboard. Many keyboard shortcuts work like they do on computers, including Alt+Tab for switching between recent apps and Ctrl + X, C, or V for Cut, Copy, and Paste.
Nagyon köszönöm a segítséget!
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Város: Budapest