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  • ScomComputer


    válasz Ubi82 #7406 üzenetére

    Nem szabad annyira kitolni olvastam róla,hogy szétéghet a vrm, és a pci-e csati is megéghet,az amd-hez több panasz is futott be e téren gari ugrott....
    "The Power Limit GPU (default 255W) is the GPU core power only but not the total power of the GPU.
    TDC Limit GFX (defualt 300A) is the current drawn by the GPU.
    I would not advice to set it more than 290W here if you are also going to use the Power Limit (%) slider in the Radeon driver at 15%.
    If you set here 290W you need to add to it 15% from Radeon settings which means 290x1.15=333.5W power to the GPU core only.

    Now you need to add to that another 45W for other components in the GPU like the VRAM which means total power consumption of the GPU would be 45+333.5=378.5W.
    You see that with this you are on the limit of 375W allowed for 2x8pin cards.
    Now this also tells us that we have maximum headroom of 375W-300W=75W maximum to play with.
    We should not increase more than that. I actually don't plan to push my card more than 361W for daily use.
    That is why I set 275W at Power Limit GPU field.

    You should not go to 450W. There is a risk you burn your VRMs on the GPU."

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