Ez egy agyalós-beszélgetős Covid-19 topik. Érvelni kötelező, a másikkal foglalkozni tilos, rettegőzés duplán, a szemlélet tudományos (a "meddig maradjanak a lezárások", azaz a társadalmi rész elfér, de csak szűken/járványhoz kapcsolódóan), ergo nem oltásellenes, nem hit alapú. Ami ebben a szellemben íródik, marad, ami nem, az nem, téríteni meg se próbálj.
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Long-COVID Symptoms Linger for Half of Israelis Who Caught Virus
Respondents reported symptoms such as fatigue, exhaustion, muscle pains, reduced physical fitness and concentration, and memory issuesThe survey yielded some interesting findings but contained several problems. It was conducted by telephone and involved self-reporting. It only involved those who suffered the Alpha variant (otherwise known as the “British variant”), which arrived in Israel at the start of 2021, or to earlier variants. Others, most notably omicron, were not examined.
Apart from that, none of the survey respondents had been vaccinated against the coronavirus at the time they were tested (the sampling period began before the vaccines were accessible, and some of the subjects were vaccinated later).
Another difficulty comes because all participants were given PCR tests, with those testing negative belonging to the control group. However, researchers can’t be certain that control group respondents had not been infected earlier and recovered or were infected later and were not aware of it.fenntartásokkal kezelendő az eredmény
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