Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
1x hallottam CR-t eddig elnézést kérni a késés miatt. De nem vettem komolyan
"Hello all,
I understand that you are all frustrated and upset not only about Arena Commander being delayed, but also that your threads are being merged. The fact is that even with us merging we still have AC delay threads going back 3 pages simply due to so many people opening threads. While you may believe that continuing your conversation is difficult within one thread, having 50+ would be even more difficult as threads would immediately be pushed back to the second or third page.You are also correct that this is a double edged sword, for if we let the forums fill up with threads we would then have members upset that they can't keep up and would demand us to do something about that issue. I find that merging threads is the lesser of two evils and as such I have informed the moderators to do so.
Many of you seem to think that we are only merging negative threads. I can assure that this is certainly not the case. Many positive threads have been merged as well, and currently the "To the Devs" thread has been the primary katamarii for these types of threads.
While there may be mistakes with threads being merged into incorrect threads, or those who believe that they shouldn't have been merged at all, we ask that you have patience. We and our volunteer moderators are doing our best to ensure that the forums are still manageable and that members can find the correct place to voice their concerns or praises.
As always, you can send me a PM with any concerns or ideas and I hope this message helps."
[ Szerkesztve ]
Citizen Diopapa / Commander Diopapa "SC csomag olyan, mint a barackfa, unokáidnak veszed - .tnm / De pálinkát nemlehet főzni belűle - *SkyS1gn"
aktív tag
Igen, a kommunikációt elcseszték (ezt írtam is a mai első hozzászolásomban). Én is inkább azt gondolom, hogy felelőtlen jószándékú ígéretről van szó, persze ez a tényen nem változtat.
Sajnos meg kell barátkozni a gondolattal, hogy ez így fog menni évekig. :/
Akarnak majd adni, de ez az esetek többségében, inkább nagyon nagy csúszással fog összejönni. Ezt minél előbb el tudjátok fogadni, annál enyhébb lesz a csalódottság, tudom, hogy ez sem vígasz, de nincs mit tenni csak a remény és a türelem maradhttps://StellarGear.eu - amatőr csillagászat és asztrofotós bugdácsolások
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