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Online ID change úgy néz ki ma jön
Q: Where and how can I change my online ID?
You can either change your online ID on your PS4 or web browser.PlayStation 4:
Step 1: From your PS4 go to [Settings].
Step 2: Select [Account Management] > [Account Information] > [Profile] > [Online ID].
Step 3: Enter an Online ID of your choice or choose from one of the suggestions.
Step 4: Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the change.Web browser:
Step 1: Sign in to your PlayStation Network account and select PSN Profile in the menu.
Step 2: Select the Edit button that’s next to your Online ID.
Step 3: Enter an Online ID of your choice or choose from one of the suggestions.
Step 4: Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the change.[ Szerkesztve ]
Nem szabad félnem. A félelem az elme gyilkosa. A félelem a kis halál, mely teljes megsemmisüléshez vezet. Szembenézek félelmemmel.
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