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válasz btraven #98632 üzenetére
Csak sejtettem, miről beszélsz, úgyhogy muszáj volt rákeresni. Itt az ige: [link]
I must say, I was not prepared for the transformation that these four filters made. The result was an extremely accurate and audiophile headphone! If I performed a blind test, I am pretty sure many people would think this is a high-end headphone.
What's that? You don't use EQ? Well, I don't want to hear. Actually, I don't even want to know you! You are wasting away your audiophile life without it. For zero cost you can transform a $9 headphone to a reference quality reproduction engine and you still don't want to go there? If so, I have nothing for you!
If you are not into headphones but want to know what the fuss is about for no money, buy this $9 headphone and put in my EQ. If you don't fall off your chair with excitement and get your pants wet with drool, I will come over and cancel out your audiophile credentials myself!Remélem, kapható még ez az audiofil referencia csoda.
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Cég: Marketing Budget
Város: Budapest