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Sajnos téves volt a forrás. Dawnbringer Karma lesz ez a skin.
"Riot is proud to announce the formation of The Riot Games Social Impact Fund, a non-profit engine to power continued global social impact. Riot’s Karma program has already donated more than $4 million to charities around the world, including many charitable causes selected by LoL players. Dawnbringer Karma will be the first LoL skin in which all proceeds will go to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund. "
Gyakorlatilag egy jótékonysági skin, mint mondjuk az Overwatchban volt 2018 májusában a Pink Mercy. Shopból lehet majd megvenni, a befolyt összeget a Riot Games Social Impact Fund kapja.
Day 1: Anniversary Icon, Emote, and Ward Skin
Day 2: 6300 Blue Essence
Day 3: Masterwork Chest + Hextech Key
Day 4: Little Legends Rare Egg
Day 5: 3000 Orange Essence
Day 6: 4 Skin Shards
Day 7: 25 Prestige Points
Day 8: 200 Worlds 2019 Tokens
Day 9: 2 Gemstones
Day 10: Legendary Skin
Day 11: Annie-versary + Birthday Border + Icon
Az alábbi Annie skint kapjuk:"I am Sylvanas Windrunner, Queen of the Forsaken. If you will not serve me in this life, then you will do so in the next."
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Cég: Marketing Budget
Város: Budapest