Aktív témák
"Disabling Audio Effects
In order to fix the high CPU usage, I disabled the audio enhancements processed by the audiodg.exe file. To disable the audio enhancements, use the following steps:
1. Right-click the speaker icon in the lower right corner.
2. Select Playback Devices from the menu. A list of devices should appear on the screen.
3. Double-click the device that has a green checkmark. The properties windows for that device should open.
4. Click the Enhancements tab at the top.
5. From the list of enhancements, uncheck all of them, or click the Disable all enhancements checkbox.
6. Click the OK button to save your changes and close the window.
7. Click OK to close the Playback Devices window."iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB Black |Macbook Air M1|Xbox Series X|Írhatsz nyugodtan, de x64 alatt nem barátkozom :)| I'm not special...I'm just limited edition!
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