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    válasz redbiro #20408 üzenetére

    Ugyan úgy csináld ahogy az install mondja!
    How to IMG upgrade

    1. Format a USB Flash drive using FAT32.
    2. Download the zip file containing the software for your TV to your computer.
    3. Unzip/extract the software.
    4. Copy the software file to the root catalogue of the USB flash drive.
    5. Unplug the power cord to your TV.
    6. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port on the back of the TV.
    7. Press and hold the power button on the TV, not the remote.
    8. While holding the button on the TV, plugin the power cord of the TV again.
    9. When the software install message appears on the TV, release the power button.
    10. Do not unplug the power cord during the software install. When the initial setup screen appears on the TV the software install is completed.
    This method will reset Android settings and installed apps.

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