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  • Zirowe


    válasz FefeeX #27 üzenetére

    Szerintem se kánon a Smallville.

    On several occasions, the Flash has raced against Superman, either to determine who is faster or as part of a mutual effort to thwart some type of threat; these races, however, often resulted in ties because of outside circumstances. Writer Jim Shooter and artist Curt Swan crafted the story "Superman's Race With the Flash!" in Superman #199 (Aug. 1967) which featured the first race between the Flash and Superman. Writer E. Nelson Bridwell and artist Ross Andru produced "The Race to the End of the Universe", a follow-up story four months later in The Flash #175 (Dec. 1967). However, after the DC Universe revision after Crisis on Infinite Earths, The Flash does successfully beat Superman in a race in Adventures of Superman #463 with the explanation that Superman is not accustomed to running at high speed for extended periods of time since flying is more versatile and less strenuous, which means the far more practiced Flash has the advantage. After Final Crisis in Flash: Rebirth #3 the Flash is shown as being much faster than Superman, easily outstripping him as Superman tries to keep up with him. He claims that those times that the races between them that were close were "for charity".

  • Hintalow

    senior tag

    válasz FefeeX #27 üzenetére

    De az nem kánon :P

    amennyire emlékszem a képregényekben, amíg otthon falun csapatta Clark, minimálisan használta csak az erejét.
    Persze ahogy kikerült a nagyvárosba, rögtön kinyílt a csipája :D

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