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  • Afit

    csendes tag

    válasz Hasaggymeg #10610 üzenetére

    Hasaggymeg: (#10608) attrax ...vigyázni kell a magas labdákkal.

    Afit: Ez mit jelent? :)

    Visszatérve a mondatodra, így lett volna helyes:

    Which part is it that you do not understand?

    Afit: Ennek a mondatnak 2 structure level-je van:

    1. D-structure
    2. S-structure

    A mondat D-struktúrája egy cleft-proper sentence:

    It is which part that you do not understand.

    Innen két "constituent movement" operál, míg eljutunk az S-structure-ig.
    A két movement:

    1. Wh-movement ('which part' gets the setnence-initial position)
    2. aux-movement ( 'is' is raised out of its original position and lands between 'which part' and 'it')

    The resultant deep-structure of the sentence:

    Which part is it that you do not understand?

    A te mondatod (Which part is you do not understand?) S-struktúrája:

    You do not understand is which part. -- It makes no sense whatsoever.

    Hasaggymeg, I hope you take my comments in the spirit in which they are meant.

    Üdv: Afit

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    "There are no facts, only interpretations." - Nietzsche

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