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  • grHawk

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    Mint derült égből villámcsapás, úgy bukkant fel az (5!) thargoid struktúra, amiből az egyik aktív, és az néhány nem túl bonyolult lépést követően, egy feltehetőleg valamilyen spirális galaxis térképét holozta elő az önjelölt tudósainknak. Azóta történt ott egy thargon észlelés is, valamint a "térkép" felfedezését követően a játékosok egy unknown üzenetet is kaptak, amit a hajó nem tudott dekódolni, így csak egy hangüzenet került ki. Ami persze újabb spektogrammhoz vezetett. Obsidian Ant átfogó videói: 1 és 2. Szerencsére most a galnet sem maradt el a szokásos egy hetes késéseihez képest. Később pedig találtak egy nem random distress signalt. Ez is érdekes lehet.

    Eközben David Braben tartott AMA-t redditen a PS4 megjelenés kapcsán, ahol kapott néhány komolyabb, nem közvetlen PS4-related kérdést is. Aki esetleg nem tudja megnyitni:
    Q: Will we be able to land on lifeless atmospheric planets anytime soon?
    A: We are continuously working on each element of the game, and improving it, and it is certainly something we are working on. Our focus right now is 2.4 "The Return" and key core gameplay features.
    Q: When are you guys going to finally realize that dropping Elite and using your resources for making a dinosaur game is the only logical thing to do?
    A: Ha ha! Elite Dangerous has been great for Frontier, and is still going strong, with a big team continuing to develop it, to add great new features, new story elements, and making it better all the time, so we absolutely have no plans to drop it. We are making other games like Planet Coaster, but they help support Elite - both by supporting the common engine (called 'Cobra'), and by helping broaden the company's base.
    Q: I've been playing on and off on Xbox One and love the game. I haven't had a chance to try the horizons planet landing yet, but maybe one day I can. My question is if there are any plans to ever allow foot exploration on planets. Maybe like cave systems or even building interiors?
    A: Yes, there are so many things we want to do in the future to create an ever richer, immersive game. The issue is always how good is the game play to support it, too.
    Q: If you could go back and change one design direction of elite dangerous what, if anything would you change?
    A: The game has been continually evolving as we have gone forwards, and it has meant we have improved the game greatly since we first released. We have talked about so many different things we can do in the future, but one thing I regret the most is early on, mentioning the possibility of the game running offline, which I believed at the time. As development moved forwards, and more and more was done on the server, we realised this wasn't going to be possible. For us honesty, integrity and trust is vital, and it was a wrench to go back on this, even though it was with the best intentions, it became unavoidable.
    Q: How do you think Star Citizen has impacted the direction you have taken Elite Dangerous? That said, game designers are usually game fans: what kind of games do you play? :) Thanks for the time! Excited to play Elite: Dangerous :) just gotta save up some first
    A: I think we've taken different approaches, but Star Citizen hasn't impacted our thinking. We focus purely on the game we are making, and are focusing on making a great game that people will remember, hopefully for decades to come. I love open ended games (like Elite Dangerous!), Fallout 3 and 4, Oblivion, Skyrim, Zelda.
    Q: The game looks Amazing! How long did this game take to create from day 1?
    A: On PC we started during our Kickstarter in late 2012, delivered the fisrt alpha in December 2013, and the game in December 2014. Having said that, we are still creating it now, with some very exciting things coming in the next weeks and months (and years!).
    Q: By any chance : Do you plan to rework the design of engineers ? Heavy grind * RNG3 (RNG roll * RNG second effec t* RNG value) is far from being fun especially for PvP Players oriented. Playing 95% grinding/rolling and only 5% having fun in this awesome game feels like a waste.
    A: It is something we are looking at. Sandro mentioned at a recent event (Lavecon) a change we are looking at now, so that you would always see an improvement when engineering a weapon or whatever.

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