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  • Dexar007


    Eddig ahogy olvastam külföldi fórumokon:van aki visszaviszi, van akit egyáltalán nem zavar az st60 input lagja. Egy próbát lehet,hogy megér.:

    ,,Just got my P60ST60 in last week and after running slides for 100 hours I played some Halo 4 last night. Game mode makes a considerable difference -- I found the lag to be noticeable and wasn't even looking for it (I couldn't figure out why the controls seemed slow, until I went through the menu and recognized the setting was off by default). Turning it on fixed the issue and it was totally fine after the fact.

    For reference, I have pretty quick reactions, was a level 45-48 Halo 3 player back in the day, and am probably around the same now (K/D of ~1.4)."

    Give me your cum,bull!

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