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    válasz gyuszito #35660 üzenetére

    Itt nagyon sok jó dolgot leírnak a kínai "szuper" telefonokhoz.
    Köztük van az is amit te kereshetsz:

    Velis Auto Brightness

    Itt van a beállítása is:

    To set everything up, follow those steps:

    - Launch the app and don't follow the wizard, we'll do things mannualy
    - Menu/Manual graph edit : enter the following values (without the //comments):


    Pt: 0 40 //because 0 is needed
    Pt: 800 40 //interior
    Pt: 900 100 //exterior, shadow
    Pt: 1100 255 //exterior, sun

    ...and press OK.

    Now, because it seems to output pretty random values, we'll smooth them A LOT. Go into menu/settings, then:


    Automatic brightness ON
    Disable system handler ON
    Brightness sensor ON
    Proximity sensor OFF
    Screen-on sensor value override 10
    Additional brightness : NO
    Brightness change sensitivity 0%
    Smoothing time 500
    Smoothing time downwards 30 000
    Smoothing override 30%
    Superdim 0

    UMI X1S-t helyrerakta.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák