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Atyagatya, te éjjel melózol, hogy ezt lested?
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Buster17 #3289 üzenetére
A kupon nem alanyi jogon jár.
Ha rendeltél tőlük korábban, de egy ideje nem, akkor szoktak küldeni kupont, ösztönzőleg."«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Snorkleee #3233 üzenetére
Kár, hogy nem sikerült rendesen idézned. Helyesen: "Mi volt ez a pusztító alpáriság?!"
Klasszikusokat csak "pontosan, szépen, ahogy a csillag megy az égen, úgy érdemes."
[ Szerkesztve ]
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Super Hexagon tegnaptól vásárolható Steam-en (Mac/PC). 2 eurót röhögve megér.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
RockHaRD #3145 üzenetére
Bár nem értek egyet vele, de szerintem egy ilyen dolog miatt nem lehet fekete pontot adni, hiszen konkrét üzletelés nem történt, egyedül a kapcsolatot vetted fel vele.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
RockHaRD #3135 üzenetére
Árulni akarja, nem eladni (ahogy egyszer Nyugdíjas fórumtárs mondotta volt igen találóan).
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
MasterMark #3133 üzenetére
Szerintem ahhoz még nőnie kell a platformnak egy kicsit.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Lesz. November 27, Steam, Mac/PC.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Szoktam tolni, kikapcsol.
A legnehezebb szinten már majdnem 10 másodpercig eljutottam!"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Snorkleee #3116 üzenetére
A vélemény olyan, mint a segglyuk.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
De igen, van baj.
Ez pont olyan, mint az álkoldusok, meg a képeslaposztók az aluljáróban: az emberi segítőkészséget erodálják. Lehet, hogy a buszvezető pont ez után gondolta, hogy: "Egy túrót állok meg ezentúl a busz után (felé) szaladóknak!""«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Snorkleee #3058 üzenetére
Igen, ez teljesen rendben van, így lenne korrekt mindenhol.
Meg úgy, ha értelmesen el lehetne tölteni azt az egy órát: pingpongozva, úszva, kondizva akár, nem kislabdát dobálva meg kötelet mászva. Persze amíg krétára sincs pénz, addig ez nem is lesz máshogy, egyszerűen nincsenek meg hozzá a feltételek.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
A heti ötszöri mozgás alapelvével egyetértek. Azzal, hogy ezt sikerült olyan módon megvalósítani, ami inkább elidegeníti a kölköket a sporttól/mozgástól ahelyett, hogy további igényt teremtene rá, szintén meg van a véleményem, és nem pozitív.
Nyilván lehetne ezt értelmesen is csinálni, de az ritkán szokott sikerülni Magyarországon, még ha az alapötlet jó is.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Azt hiszem nem vagyunk egy korcsoport, így értelmetlennek látom a további vitát. Legyetek tunyák, legyetek kriplik, egészségetekre.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Nem hülyeség a kötelező testnevelés, később komoly társadalmi költsége lehet az egészségtelen életmódnak. Igenis neveljék már rá most a diákokat, hogy mozogjanak rendszeresen, és ne a TB-t terhelje pár tíz évvel később az ennek (ti. a rendszeres mozgásnak) az elmaradásából származó betegségek és megromlott egészségi állapot ellátása.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Nekem nincs kedvenc csapatom, úgyhogy tökmindegy ki nyer, amíg izgalmas meccset látok.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Nekem a múltkori Cowboys vs. Giants jobban tetszett, főleg a drámai végjáték miatt, de ez is izgalmas volt valóban.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Snorkleee #2981 üzenetére
"birom", "osztályomba", "oan", "énse", "ien", központozás teljes hiánya: a négyesekkel még túl is vagy értékelve.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
MasterMark #2378 üzenetére
Jaja, az ilyen okosságokat én mindig a napi Google Doodle-ből tudom meg.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Így születnek a városi legendák.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Pontosan mi is a baj a bundle kiadásokkal?
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
doncortio #531 üzenetére
Nem tudom én már követni a mai fiatalokat, akik sokszor mondat végi írásjel helyett használják.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
doncortio #527 üzenetére
Ez ugye nem volt komoly kérdés?
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
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