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  • Mardel


    válasz zseko #33570 üzenetére


    2.4 What happens if I change my hardware (e.g. I bought a new graphics card)?

    In most cases, your SecuROM™ protected application should run just fine, as long as you do not change too many hardware components.
    SecuROM™ checks offline on every start of the application if the hardware has changed between the stored hardware ID in the SecuROM™ User Data and a recalculation of the current hardware.

    There is flexibility (set by the publisher, but defaults to 60%) of allowed hardware changes before a new activation is required.

    A re-activation is necessary, after re-formatting a HDD and new Windows setup, as well as after creating a new Windows User account. For software changes, the SecuROM™ User Data are stored on two positions (Windows registry and the user APPDATA folder).

    Note: The Product Activation servers differentiate between activations on same and different PCs.

    We highly suggest revoking your license before changing the hardware and to re-activate your application afterwards.

    2.5 What is revoking?

    Revocation (sometimes also called De-Authentication) is the process of giving back a used license to the Product Activation server. The precondition to successful revocation is that the application in question was activated on the PC before and the SecuROM™ User Data are intact.

    Example: Your application has a limit of 4 simultaneous activations. After an online activation on the Product Activation server, the application can be used on this PC and three activations are left for this serial number.
    In case this active license is revoked, the application cannot be used on this PC any longer (until a new online activation), leaving four activations for this serial number to be used on different PCs.

    2.7 I have formatted my PC without revoking the application before, does that mean I have lost an activation?

    No, you did not lose an activation due to formatting your hard disc.
    After formatting your hard disk, the SecuROM™ User Data is deleted as well, thereby requiring online activation again. However, the Product Activation servers recognize that the request is coming from the same PC (with matching hardware ID), meaning you did not lose an activation (the activation limit on different PCs is not changed on the Product Activation servers).

    2.13 I have changed my hardware without revoking my license before, what can I do?

    That's no problem. You can still revoke your application even after the hardware change. If you want to play the game again, you have to activate your game again (or you can install and activate the application on another PC).

    Tehát teljesen felesleges visszakérni revokolni win újratelepítés előtt, eza 4 gépenkénti aktiváció még mindig azt jelenti, hogy egyszerre a játék max 4 gépre telepíthető.

    (#33577) Wolverine: Ez eddig ok, max mobilon nem megvalósítható. Ma melóhelyen épp fogtam egy nyílt wifit és felnéztem pár percre a fórumra, de ehhez muszáj volt kimennem az épület elé pár méterre mert ez a fajta fotócellás ajtó kicsit visszafogja wifi jelét.

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