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  • stratova


    válasz dezz #11216 üzenetére

    Szinte biztosan ez utóbbira célzott.

    Amúgy HSA roadmap alapján:
    2011 Llano (Husky arch. CPU mag), 2012 Trinity (Piledriver arch. CPU mag), 2013 Kaveri (Steamroller arch. CPU mag), 2014 ??? (Excavator arch. CPU mag)?

    Tán még egy esetleges Excavator architektúrára épülő APU is eléggé homályos ahhoz, hogy ilyen tulajdonsággal fel lehessen ruházni. Kis kifejtés:

    6. GPU compute context switch and GPU graphics pre-emption: GPU tasks can be context switched, making the GPU in the APU a multi-tasker. Context switching means faster application, graphics and compute interoperation. Users get a snappier, more interactive experience. As UI's are becoming increasing more touch focused, it is critical for applications trying to respond to touch input to get access to the GPU with the lowest latency possible to give users immediate feedback on their interactions. With context switching and pre-emption, time criticality is added to the tasks assigned to the processors. Direct access to the hardware for multi-users or multiple applications are either prioritized or equalized.

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