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  • maj-viktor


    válasz instantwater #13540 üzenetére

    Ha ez megnyugtat, nekem van tőlük egy csomagom az alábbi infókkal:
    Szeptember 24.-ei rendelés / fizetés
    TN számot szeptember 26.-án kaptam...
    És a mai napig nem él!!!

    Írtám már mindenfélét nekik, de a szokásos sablon szövegekkel szurják ki a szemem...
    Szal rányitottam a dispute-ot tegnap!

    Eddig semmi gondom nem volt velük, de ezelőtti - ezutáni csomagot is megkaptam már...
    (bár ez nem mobil - tablet, de elektronikai cucc - biztonsagi kam & mérleg)

    Első szöveg:
    "Thank you for your message.
    I just asked my colleague to check your order and he told me the tracking number is right.
    Please do not worry, it usually needs 3-7 days for the post office to update the delivery status on line, would you please check it in 2 days? I am sure it is on the way to your country. Sorry for any inconvenience.
    also we will ask the post agency to check the situation tomorrow.
    Kind regards

    "Thanks for your confirming back
    We have submitted the tracking information to our post agent. So would you please wait some more days?I will take about 10 days to get any information from the post office and meanwhile, you can take the tracking number to your local post office to check if it arrived. That's would be greatly appreciated.
    Please don't worry; you have received all the other items, the last one will come to you soon.
    If any need, please feel free to contact us any time.
    Best regards

    "Thanks for your message and sorry for the delay.
    There are many uncontrollable factors in an international trade. Sometimes it would be delayed for some days.
    We really appreciate your kind patience if you can wait some more days. We are responsible for each goods we sell and the way we do business is never on the basis of the profits losing of our customers.
    We could understand that you didn't trust us for that we didn't know each other but would you please have belief in us this time to see our responsibility for your goods and give us one week more?
    Best regards,

    De nekem gecc még csak nem is él a TN...

    JunkieeeBoy.blog.hu - FaceBook.com/MadeInCsajna & FaceBook.com/DronHUN

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