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  • oriic


    válasz bulikavagyok #10375 üzenetére

    Chaosnak innentol annyi. :DDD Nem jart meg le az embargo.

    Gameplay tetszik amugy, ujra battle royale-t fogok tolni. :C


    Free to play
    Enormous map
    Every single building is custom designed
    Two Game Modes
    150 players
    Solos, Duos and Trios
    Killstreaks and revive tokens are bought by using plunder at stations
    Gulag Exists. Upon first death you 1v1 to respawn back in and spectate(and throw rocks) while waiting your turn.
    Easter Eggs all over map
    A lot of classic maps. Terminal, Scrapyard, Overgrown, broadcast and more plus new ones.
    Vehicles are in including choppers.
    Three levels of armor. Can carry 5 plates can stack three at a time.
    Looting is fast.
    No weapon attachments but custom loadouts can be used by buying your kit with plunder at stations.
    can ping everything

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