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  • jsk


    válasz truefx #12848 üzenetére

    Ezen már én is eltöprengtem. Annyit írnak, hogy a Bayes-tételt alkalmazzák.

    "weighted rank (WR) = (v / (v+m)) * R + (m / (v+m)) * C

    R = average for the design (mean) = (Rating)
    v = number of votes for the design = (Rate Count)
    m = minimum votes required to be listed in the top beers list (varies according to average of ratecounts for top 50 beers)
    C = the midpoint of the scale (2.75 in our case)

    This formula normalizes scores, that is it pulls a particular score (R) to the mean (C) if the number of votes is not well above m. In other words, if a particular beer has only a few votes above the minimum required votes to be listed in top 50 (m), the average score is decreased a little if it is above the mean, or increased a little if it is below the mean in accordance with the normal distribution rule of statistics. "

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák