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    Ezt ismeritek?


    Nem lenne rossz tanuláshoz, pláne amit beterveztem jövő januártól. A personal edition évente 200$, de most 50$ discount akció van hozzá.

    Egy négymagos CPU + 8GB RAM gép kell hozzá.

    How many routers can I run in VIRL? How much memory does each type need? kérdésre válasz a fórumból:

    VIRL Personal Edition is capped at a maximum of 15 Cisco VMs. You can run more non-Cisco VMs, assuming that you have sufficient memory and CPU.

    The vCPU and memory requirements for each VM type can be seen via VM Maestro by selecting a node on your canvas, opening the 'properties' panel and pressing the 'Browse' button under 'Node/VM Flavor'.

    Here's the summary:

    IOSv = 1vCPU, 512Mb
    IOS XRv = 1vCPU, 1536Mb
    CSR1000v = 1vCPU, 3096Mb
    NXOSv = 1vCPU, 2048Mb

    Now, bear in mind that memory usage is not linear in all cases. If you have a topology with 4 VMs and each is different VM subtype (IOSv, IOS XRv, CSR1000v, NXOSv) then you will need to have sufficient memory to host each of these as there is no memory page sharing possible. The best utilization is if your topology only uses one subtype - just IOSv, for example - as this gives the system the best memory page sharing.

    As a guide, an VIRL server with 4vCPUs & 8Gb RAM can run ~6-8 IOSv instances, or 3-4 IOS XRv instances, or 2 CSR1000v instances or 3 NXOSv instances.

    The VIRL system will prevent you from starting a simulation which is outside the capacity of your VIRL server.

    Bemutató videó:




    Ui.: Ma sikerült a TSHOOT vizsgám is :) :), így megvan a CCNP

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