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  • whitezo88


    Blokkot forgatott Trumpnál a kínai TV: [link]

    mivel kínai, a fordítás redditről

    I: How many people are waiting for you to broadcast right now?
    T: Right now there are 15,000 people (sidenote, his chinese accent is adorable)
    I: He comes from Taiwan, went to NYU, then quietly went to work at a bank, but he found that to be extremely boring (or uninteresting). Now he streams video games for a living. He says that the most important thing for streamers is to have some originality (or have your own personal touch, that kind of thing). Some people have cuteness, but Trump has his brain. He streams every day at a set schedule. He says that in the beginning, he only had ~100 views. There was a lot of pressure from his family (specifically parents)
    T: My parents didn't want me to do this line of work
    I: But Trump endured, and now he has 10,000-20,000 viewers.
    I: Trump says that one of the most important things is to have thick skin. Just from being here with him for a while, I can feel the pressure from the viewers.

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