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  • S_x96x_S


    válasz Busterftw #63516 üzenetére

    > 4K-n elobb fogy el a GPU, mint a VRAM a legtobb
    > (es ebben az esetben is).
    > Pontosan ezert kenheti hajara a +4GB vramot, lasd fentebb.

    újból - idézem magam:
    "de mindig lesz olyan játék vagy alkalmazás, amikor jelent valamit."
    vagyis én pont nem a legtöbb esetről beszélek,
    hanem annak a negáltjáról,
    amikor is számít és szívás a VRAM hiány.

    Ha te nem találkoztál még ilyennel ... az csak azt jelenti, hogy szerencsés vagy a játékok kiválasztása terén.

    Why Does 4K Gaming Require so Much VRAM?
    "Total War: Warhammer 3 is another game that can show a big drop in performance when going from 1440p to 4K on cards with 8GB VRAM. The RTX 3070 averages 65 fps at 1440p ultra and only 28 fps at 4K ultra, a 57% decrease in performance. AMD's RX 6650 XT drops from 36 fps at 1440p to just 14 fps at 4K, a 61% drop. Meanwhile, an RTX 3060 with 12GB goes from 44 fps to 23 fps — still a significant hit to performance, but now it's 'only' 48% slower. That has all the earmarks of running out of VRAM, but what exactly is happening behind the scenes?"

    "Take a game like Far Cry 6 as an example. This is one of the games in our current test suite where we know it can experience VRAM issues when you have the HD texture pack loaded and try to run it at 4K on a graphics card with 8GB of VRAM. Far Cry 6 will run just fine at 1440p with ultra settings (but without ray tracing) on the RTX 3070, averaging just over 100 fps. Bump to 4K however and performance can tank. Sometimes it will get just under 60 fps, but in testing we'll also get instances where it only runs at 10–20 fps. It's a bit weird in that it fluctuates so much between runs, but that's a different story."

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