Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • arnikusz


    válasz #35434496 #41359 üzenetére

    Global events keretében gyűjtesz tokeneket amiket ládákra tudsz majd elkölteni és abból eshet classified szett.

    Main Missions
    Dark Zone
    High Value Targets
    Last Stand
    Global Event Caches


    With the Tokens, that you earn while you are doing Global Event activities, you can buy different caches that give you a chance to get Classified items.

    Superior GE Cache
    Normal GE Cache
    When you buy a Superior GE Cache, you have these drop-chances - they cost 1500 Tokens, so you should be able to buy one every hour when you just do challenging missions. :

    2 Guaranteed Drops in each cache plus one possible bonus item
    45% chance that it is a Classified item
    43.5% chance that it is a normal Gear Set item
    11.5% chance that it is an Exotic item

    There is also a 12.5% chance that you get a bonus drop and when you get one, you have a 90% chance to get a classified and a 10% that you get an Exotic piece

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