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  • Giovan!


    válasz azbest #1394 üzenetére

    Itt van amúgy a hivatalos Apple álláspontból az idevágó részlet, precedensekkel meg minden:

    A “manufacturer’s own products do not themselves comprise a relevant product market” and a “company does not violate the Sherman Act by virtue of the natural monopoly it holds over its own product.”Psystar, 586 F. Supp. 2d at 1197-98 (quoting Green Country Food Market, Inc.v. Bottling Group, 371 F.3d 1275, 1282 (10th Cir. 2004)). Courts routinely “‘reject the argument that a single branded product constitutes a relevant market.’”Id.; see also id. at 1198 (“Single- brand markets are, at a minimum, extremely rare”). For this reason, the Psystar court held that a relevant market limited to the Mac OS was an improper, single-brand market, and dismissed tying claims based on Apple requiring only the Mac OS to be used on Apple computers. Id. at 1193, 1197-98. The only authority Epic offers in support of its single-brand iOS Mobile App Distribution and iOS In-App Payment Processing markets is an administrative decision of the European Commission—which interprets only “European competition law.” TRO Br. at 15

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    Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far.

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