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  • rothfb


    válasz hunspikey #39586 üzenetére

    És tényleg, írnak ilyet:
    "the differences between the GZ2000 and GZ950 are minimal at best."

    De ilyet is:
    "With SDR content we couldn’t separate the screens from each other with superb accuracy and stunning image quality from both. With HDR10, HDR10+ and Dolby Vision content this was also true with the GZ2000 adding just a hint more detail in the brighter reaches of the HDR image and with metal edges and whites looking crisper. Colours also remained strong and we didn’t notice any issues of colour brightness being a problem with normal content in the most accurate picture mode. We did note that the tone mapping of the GZ950 was slightly brighter than that on the GZ2000 and detail in the whites was clipped at higher brightness levels on the 950, where the GZ2000 retained that detail and a richer look to colour tones with such scenes."

    Itt már különbségről írnak, tehát van különbség. Így a C9-hez képest is.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák