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  • fLeSs


    válasz Yutani #39986 üzenetére

    Beszerzett cucc is drágult, de több high-end VGA-t adtak el. Szóval mindkettő.

    Higher ASP of RTX 3000 Series VGA Cards together with material cost increase for ODM/OEM orders have jacked up the sales revenue which has compensated for the decline of sales volume in the ODM/OEM VGA Cards segment.

    De az sajna nem derül ki (vagy csak nem sikerült megtalálnom a szövegben), hogy a material cost increase az mennyi (@SteveS).

    Ennyi van:
    Total sales volume of VGA Cards which included both own brand and ODM/OEM VGA Cards increased by 11.5% and the ASP increased by 97.3% in 2021 as compared to last year.
    Material cost as a percentage of sales decreased by 16.7% from 87.1% in 2020 to 70.4% in 2021. It was mainly due to price increase in most of the product lines especially the VGA Cards which has recorded a substantial increase in ASP during the year.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    "I press keys on a keyboard all day and click a mouse in front of a glowing rectangle. Somehow that turns into food and shelter."

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