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  • [Prolixus]


    Karakter leírások a briefing vidiből:

    Alec Ryder - Born on Earth in 2129, Alec Ryder says his love of new frontiers was fostered by a childhood in the Sierra Nevadas. According to his service record, he joined the Alliance military and was eventually assigned to Jon Grissom's historic expedition through the Charon Relay.

    His experience made him a candidate for what would later be known as N7 training back on Earth. Alec continued military service, most notably on Shanxi in the First Contact War against the Turians.

    Assigned as a military attache to the Citadel in the late 2160s, Alec became interested in artificial intelligence as a means of human advancement.

    Scott Ryder - Born on the Citadel space station in 2163. With informal training aided by Alec Ryder's N7 background.

    Scott joined the Systems Alliance military and was assigned to an outpost near Arcturus Station overseeing Relay 202.

    A primary route to Arcturus, this mass relay leads into contested space and has an unsavory reputation. Scott was needed to protect Arcturus, but also had "a front row seat to everyone else going off to fortune and glory."

    Sarah Ryder - Born on the Citadel space station in 2163. With informal training aided by Alec Ryder's N7 background, Sara joined the Systems Alliance military, which was continuing its search for Prothean technology after successful discoveries on Mars, initially assigned to peacekeeping duties.

    Sara was approached to serve a support role for these Prothean researchers. She often describes the thrill of serving with scientists like Mateus Siva on the brink of the next great discovery.

    Liam Kosta - Liam Kosta is a human security and crisis response specialist with civilian tactical training.
    Liam entered university for engineering but left to train for law enforcement and later transitioned to the multi-species effort of Heavy Urban Search and Crisis Response.

    His multi-diciplinary skills set him apart and Liam was hand-picked by Alec Ryder to support the Pathfinder team.

    Cora Harper - Lieutenant Cora Harper is a human biotic and formerly and officer in the SYstems Alliance military. She was transferred via the citadel Council's Valkyrie Program (a subset of their interspecies military integration plan) and placed with the asari commando unit Talen's Daughters.

    Cora's huntress training and biotic capability made her a candidate for Alec Ryder's second-in-command and, if warranted, his successor as Pathfinder.

    Erre a legutolsó mondatra külön felhívnám a figyelmet. Szóval papírforma szerint Cora lenne az új Pathfinder, ha Alec papával történne valami...

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    I'm no hero Doc, I'm just your regular US Army Mark 4 cyber commando

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