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  • mikromanus


    válasz Sárpac #18122 üzenetére

    A gonoszfeketelelkügenyanépség.com fórumán volt valami craft exploit (vagy októberi, vagy júniusi - hülye amcsik és az ő dátumozásuk). Állítolag ezt már fércelték. Ha mégsem, akkor nem sokat vesztenek. Nekem picit zavaros. Nem vagyok egy nyelvzseni, a videó meg karcos-koreai :D
    "Appears to be fixed now, approach with variation in steps mentioned, feel free to drop any new information if you find a way to get this working again.

    Here is how things flow.
    A: person with resources
    B: Crafter

    1.A gives resources to B
    2.B crafts items using them.
    3.B gives crafted items to A
    4.B moves to the new save point or waypoint
    5.A leaves the room (When A leaves the room, A loses all crafted items received from B, but gets all resources back as well. Therefore, A lose nothing and gains nothing)
    6.The room automatically terminated (server detects anomally?)
    7.At this point, server lost the track of B giving crafted items back to A (from step 3), thus B still has crafted items. Therefore, B freely gets crafted items. (Because, A gets back resources)


    Simply put:
    1.B crafts items using resources received from A.
    2.A exits, and his inventory resets to the original state.
    3.B still has crafted items

    you have to be in a difficulty or area that person A has not been to yet. that way when you leave, the game resets and kicks all players.. this will not work if you are both in the same difficulty, it will just keep you in the game instead of kicking you. the best way is to have someone on a lv. 1 character do the stash trading of resources from like.. the end of act 1, that way when the creator leaves.. the lv. 1 is kicked out afterwards. "

    Ha ilyesmi benne volt, vagy van a játékban,a kkro az nagyon gáz. Ha nem igaz, akkor meg jó lesz muris összeesküvéselmélet alapra.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Battletag: Mikroman#2277 - "Népszerüsítő" videók: http://www.youtube.com/user/Mikromanus SC2: Mikroman #288 Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/mikromanus

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