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  • forceberg


    válasz DeathAdder #189156 üzenetére

    A Bogesz által edzett játékosok ne is álljanak neki ott passzolgatni. :D
    Tehát a saját foci-buborékában igaza van!

    Plusz ugye nem egy igen fontos meccs ment el egy-két hátul elhibázott rutinpasszon.


    Troll Football - OTF
    🇦🇷 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚: "I remember very well that one day we were bagging coal with our father, and it was very cold and raining. We were under the tin roof. It was tough being there. After a while, I would go to school, it was warmer and better there. But my father would stay bagging there all day without any break. Because if he didn't make it to sell the coal at that period, we wouldn't have anything to eat, just that simple. And I thought, and I really believed, 'There's gonna come a time when everything changes for the better.' That's why I owe football everything." 🥺⚽️
    The universe conspires in favor of the dreamers. ❤️
    One of the greatest players of our generation, Angel Di Maria! 🙌🇦🇷

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