
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • olivera88


    Hétfőtöl újra Public Test, azaz Technical Test, nem sima PT lesz!

    Csak 1 napos. Valami speciális PT lesz ez. Az érkező új PVE játékmód miatt érkezik ez teszt most.

    As this is a big step, we want to make sure everything works perfectly - so we decided to include a new stage between the Supertest and "proper" Public Test: A technical test. The Technical Test has a different goal than the Public Test. We need to check the game server settings and make sure that the large number of new features will not affect its efficiency. This means that the test participants might face performance issues and many bugs. After the Technical Test, Update 0.6.6 will be available for public testing. With your help, during Public Test we will focus on minor issues and the Operations balance.

    Do you want to help our development team AND get a first crack on the new mode?

    Here you can find how!

    During Technical Test you might face different bugs and strange game performance: for example, ship 'teleportation', long response time or other troubles. Inform us about all issues and bugs, specifying their exact time and your time zone in the corresponding forum topic.
    Share your comments on Scenarios in the corresponding forum topic.

    The Tech Test will take place from 18:00 CEST May 22 to 18:00 CEST May 23.

    Már lehet is letölteni a frissitést, 2 gb.

    Nagyon várom már ezt az új játékmódot. Végre valami igazán ütüs újitás :C . Nagyon hiányzott már valami jó új játékmód

    Vajon erre Róka is visszatér majd? :))

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    LG Velvet 5G Android 11 - Windows 10 Pro x64 & Debian 11 Bullseye - WoWS unsinkable_sam_

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák