
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Sir Pocok


    Egyébként itt a friss brit összefoglaló a Delta variánsról:

    Delta up by 33,630 since last week, now 75,953

    99% of sequenced and genotyped cases across the country

    Increased risk of hospitalisation with Delta compared to Alpha

    806 hospitalised with the Delta variant
    Up 423 since last week
    Of these,
    527 were unvaccinated
    84 of the 806 had received both doses

    Majority of Delta cases were confirmed less than 28 days ago

    Dr Jenny Harries, Chief Executive, UK Health Security Agency
    Cases are rising rapidly across the country and the Delta variant is now dominant.
    primarily in younger age groups, a large proportion of which were unvaccinated
    Please make sure that you come forward to receive both doses of the vaccine as soon as you are eligible.
    Don’t drop your guard – practise ‘hands, face, space, fresh air’ at all times.

    Change in presentation
    Cold like features
    Symptoms now (since May)
    Sore throat
    Runny nose

    Az erős embernek nincs szüksége hatalomra, a gyönge jelleműt pedig tönkreteszi.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák