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    válasz Zozo0525 #6300 üzenetére

    Nem a megszokott módon kell telepíteni és kicsit zavar a dolog :D
    Van pár lépés a twrp-s install után amit nem igazán értek, hogy miért szükséges...

    * First of all, make a complete backup of all your photos and internal data in the computer, since the first installation requires to eliminate ALL the sdcard content, given the encryption of Android Nougat and later; the one that warns you is not a traitor, you are going to lose all the data (just as it happens if you install other ROMS). This is due to (in turn) that if we have not formatted the sdcard, it will not boot for security protection data of the cited encryption,
    * With TWRP Recovery (read tutorials on how to install it) we will make another backup, but this time System, Data, Cache, Boot, and especially the EFS (important).
    * Download the ZIP flasheable and pass it to the internal memory of the phone (no matter if we have already formatted it or not).
    * Restart on TWRP recovery
    * Make Wipes: System, Data, Dalvik, Cache.
    * Install from Recovery the EpicROM ZIP flasheable and wait for it to appear okay (If you get error 7 the TWRP in the step of "formating system / extracting system", restart in recovery immediately, and reinstall it, this is due that in Nougat you must re-generate the system partition for encryption topics, so it will install you, it should work like the rest of us )
    * We reboot in fastboot mode once the rom has been installed correctly. To do this, we can do it from TWRP in REBOOT / Fastboot or by holding down the power button and the volume down button until FASTBOOT and Mitu appear by soldering an Android robot. In this step, we connect the mobile to the computer, and in the same folder that can be downloaded from en.miui.com/unlock (to unblock the bootloader) click inside that folder in a blank space in the right mouse click while holding the SHIFT key on the keyboard; a window will appear and the "open command window" option should appear. We tapped on that window. When it opens, if you open powershell (blue screen) from windows 10, type cmd and press enter. If you open the classic cmd of all life (BLACK SCREEN) we are already where we want.
    * Type in the cmd (be powershell or cmd) fastboot format userdata and press enter. There will be formatted all our mobile, and restarting it will work everything.
    * Restart normally and configure. Remember that the first start takes a little longer, from there, it will always light fast. In the following versions, it will NOT BE MISSING to do all this, just install without wipes and to run. I already adapt it so that I clean what I have to clean with each update EXCEPT that I expressly say something else in that UPDATE.
    * Enjoy (and re-pass all data previously backed up to the internal memory).

    Esetleges elírásokért elnézést kérek, kevesebb ujjal nehezebb pontosan írni :) ---> Xiaomi Mi 9T 128gb

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