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  • Cyberbeni


    válasz Cyberbeni #69721 üzenetére

    Fontos részek:

    Natalya's and Immortal King's getting 6p bonus in the future.
    Monk's Raiment Set new take: 2p: Generators deal more damage. 4p: when hitting things you'll gain back charges for Dashing Strike and increase max charges. 6P boost Dashing Strike damage.
    Skull Grasp: shown with "Increases the damage of Whirwind by 441% weapon damage."
    Omryn's Chain: (Belt) "Drop Caltrops when using Vault."
    Belt of the Trove: "Every 6 seconds, call down Bombardment on a random nearby enemy."
    Clown of the Primus: "Slow Time gains the effect of every Rune".
    Wizard Set: Delsere's Magnum Opus: (see yesterday's post) (screenshots soon)
    DH Set: Unhallowed Essence (see yesterday's post) (screenshots soon)
    Barbarian Set: Wrath of the Wastes (see yesterday's post) (screenshots soon)

    Issue of some vanilla items still being better than everything new, Witching Hour specifically. The affixes on the old ones will not be remade, instead new items in the slot should be better due to Legendary affixes.
    Issue of double Unity being necessary in higher solo GR. Loot 2.0 meant for items to be VERY impactful, the problem with Unity is rather that there are no equally powerful alternatives.
    Issue of Mighty Weapons feeling weaker then other classes' weapons. Problem acknowledged, Might Weapons will be looked at and improved, just like all the other items.

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