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  • TMaX

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    # Dedicated server questions were greeted by being escorted out of the chat.
    # Max players for all versions is 9v9. Yes, I said 9v9.
    # No record feature in MW2 for PC.
    # No lean in the PC version (Mackey-IW: The game is not balanced for lean.)
    # PC Game is not yet finished*

    2:54 Moriarte: Ignoring IW.net, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?
    2:55 Mackey-IW: No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.
    02:36 maniac1969
    Vince, there are 178,000 voices that say you need dedicated servers for the PC. COD4 is the bigest online game in history! Why in the world would you take away dedicated servers and change the whole MP experience for us? And Mackey, the PC version with dedicated servers is already the best experience the way it is!
    02:36 Vince-IW
    All I can say is that we changed it to make it a better and easier experience. Also, not all of the names on that list are legit.
    02:36 Mackey-IW
    402 signed it 4 times I heard.

    Ehhez csak gratulálni lehet az IW-nek!
    Ezzel az IW előlépet a toplista első helyére a "Xarunk a fejetekre PC-sek" listán.

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