
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Na, vége lett a patchelésnek, semmi extra nem változott:

    Patch notes

    General Notes

    * players now get an acoustical warning if an own power generator is being 'attacked' by an enemy Energy Parasite

    Beta: Generated PvE Maps

    * Rebalanced all difficulties
    * Bosses are now unique placed on the map
    * Correct difficulty settings are now shown for PvE Random Generated Maps
    * Fixed bug that prevent the difficulty slider from being dragged to 10
    * Fixed missing label text for available resources (void power)
    * Fixed creep camp orientation to correctly match paths

    Community Map Editor

    * Added functionality for creating empty random maps (Skirmish/PvP)
    * Fixed possibility to create 256x256 skirmish maps - map border sizes only automatically adjust for 512x512 maps, now


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák