Aktív témák

  • creedszl

    aktív tag

    most olvasom hogy originen lesz 3 "shourtcut" amit meg lehet venni és ezek megvételével minden cucc a játékban azonnal elérhető.magyarán unlockol mindent,ez miiiiii?

    Today, we are also offering 10 different shortcut items for sale for Battlefield 3 on PC. If you’re new to the game, this is the perfect way to gain some ground on the veterans online. Or if you’d love to get your hands on those AA missiles for jets instantly, this is for you.

    The 10 shortcut items are available now from Origin and include:

    Kit Shortcut Bundle: Immediately unlocks all items unique to the four playable classes
    Vehicle Shortcut Bundle: Immediately unlocks all items for all vehicles
    The Ultimate Bundle: Immediately unlocks all items from all other available shortcut packs


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