Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • .tnm


    FElvettem egy új oszlopot a táblázatba, ide lehet neveket írni az organization-nek, amit alakítunk majd (a végén szavazunk majd a jelenlegi tagokkal). Természetesen csak azoknak, akik csatlakozni is akarnak.

    Arról is lehet szavazni, hogy mi legyen az organization forma, de szerintem már korábban megbeszéltük, hogy a vegyesség miatt ezek közül:

    Corporation – a for-profit business entity. A corporation is a great choice for everything from shipping flo-pets to Goss II to organizing a hostile takeover of Origin Jumpworks.

    PMC (Private Military Company) – For organizations with a taste for combat. Focuses for PMCs include escorting cargo runs, hunting for pirates or helping the UEE take on the Vanduul.

    Faith – Organizations that have come together for a single cause or under a single banner. This could be rebels fighting for Terran independence… or the devout followers of the LAMP!

    Syndicate – Common interest groups for those who operate on the edges (or outside) the law. There’s safety in numbers when you’re moving contraband through Spider or preying on hapless cargo ships.

    Organization – Want to make your own way without any previous association? Feel free to leave your group’s archetype blank!

    az utolsóba fér bele mindannyiunk vágya.

    It's a rare occurrence, like a double rainbow, or someone on the Internet saying, "You know what? You've convinced me I was wrong."

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák