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  • Giovan!


    Még 2013-an volt egy hasonló ügye az Apple-nek a 30%-os fee és a monopóliumvádak miatt, akkor elkaszálták a felperest:

    US District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers took over the case on Wednesday, and is known for having ruled in favour of Apple in a similar case in 2013, Bloomberg reported.
    Back then, an antitrust complaint claimed that Apple was maintaining a monopoly over iPhone apps, leading to consumers being overcharged. The complaint also targeted Apple's 30% cut on the iOS store.

    The judge dismissed the case on the ground that the plaintiffs didn't manage to prove "allegations that they have been deprived of lower cost alternatives, paid higher prices for Apple-approved applications, or had their iPhones disabled or destroyed," she said. "At a minimum, plaintiffs must allege facts showing that each named plaintiff has personally suffered an injury-in-fact based on Apple's alleged conduct."

    Concerning the 30% cut, the judge said that the fee wasn't charged by Apple but "passed on to consumers by developers," and ruled that consumers can't sue for antitrust violations over passed-on charges.

    Ha jól értelmezem a cikket, most ugyanaz a bíró fog ítéletet hozni.

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