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  • Cathfaern


    válasz paleinho #1657 üzenetére

    Az általad linkelt cikk mást állít:
    "The accurate measurement of dietary intake of these people proved extraordinarily difficult. We were able to make only limited measurements. This difficulty is because of the erratic intake of food, there being no fixed meal patterns in the families, because there are no uniform units of measurement or utensil and because of the disruption of usual behavior in the presence of an observer."
    "Perhaps the best dietary survey done on Masai people is from the early 1980s, done by the International Livestock Centre of Africa[2]. This was at a time there had already been a dietary transition occurring among the Masai. Nonetheless, Masai women and children were found to consume large amounts of milk from their herd animals. Interestingly, they only consumed meat about 1-5 times per month. Again, the men’s intake was too difficult to accurately track but it seemed that they had more access to meat."
    "So the diet, when measured, was not as meaty and bloody as the popular belief dictated, though it was very rich in milk. They consumed maize in the early 1980s, but this may have been a recent addition to the diet."

    Ez alapján azt mondanám, hogy a Masai-knál ha valami problémát okoz, az a túl nagy mennyiségű tej fogyasztása. Egy (francia nyelvű) tanulmány (ami hivatkozik az egyik fent említett tanulmányra, sajnos az eredetinek nem elérhető a teljes szövege) állítása szerint nedves évszakban a kalóriabevitel 90%-át is adhatja a tej náluk, ez 2000 kcal-al számolva napi kb. 4 liter.

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