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    válasz Siriusb #7034 üzenetére

    Nem itt kellene valamit variálni a theme.php-ba?

    // [linkstyle]
    function linkstyle($linkstyle){
    global $style;

    define('PRELINK', ""); // the html to use before the links are displayed
    define('POSTLINK', ""); // the html to use before the links are displayed
    // define('linkclass', ""); // the css class to apply to each link
    // define('linkclass_hilite', ""); // the css class to apply to the currently selected link
    define('LINKSTART', ""); // the html used before each link
    // define('LINKSTART_HILITE', " "); // Current page highlights the corresponding menu-item
    define('LINKEND', ""); // the html used after each link
    define('LINKDISPLAY', 1); // the link display mode
    define('LINKALIGN', "right"); // how the link should be aligned
    // define('linkseperator', " ");

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák