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  • DaveNo1


    Néhány infó morzsa:

    -After Butcher, Leoric and Monk they will move onto other Blizzard franchises - no more Diablo heroes for now; may return to Diablo afterwards.
    -Second Diablo-themed Battleground coming after Battlefield of Eternity
    -Internally they have a huge spreadsheet with Heroes - potential roles, skills, traits, etc. And they use it to decide what's next.
    -Butcher's choice was because they wanted a "scary" guy, that really instilled fear on enemies.
    -Leoric's choice was meant to have this guy that just never really dies - an extreme gameplay situation. "Lifesteal" theme.
    -Monk's choice was meant to fill the gap of not having a Diablo support hero. Very mobile. Community asked for him.
    -Monk on trailer uses quite a few animations from actual abilities.
    -Voice Chat being worked on.
    -Observer Mode is on their plans, but no timeline.
    -Gender swap on characters like Diablo (mentioned Illidan too) will likely be skins - new heroes would be kinda confusing.
    -Discussing on having a Thumbs Up/Down system to evaluate players after the match.
    -Gonna wait for Overwatch to establish itself as a franchise of its own before bringing those heroes over.
    -They do follow changes to the meta-game - particularly interesting when there are no patches influencing that.
    -Replay system forwarding and Reconnect system are similar problems - so they want to tackle those together. Rather than just optimize, they want to completely revamp it.
    -Maybe if they incentivize a Honour system and reward players for being helpful and nice (with some small bonus xp or gold) it can help with the toxic players issue.
    -Maybe they can pair players who are slightly more aggressive with other like-minded players, rather than flat out banning them.
    -These are potential solutions that are being discussed internally - not final thoughts on systems that will actually go live!

    Na a voice chat hozná csak el az igazi anyázást ;]

    Monkra kíváncsi vagyok mit jelent majd a nagy mobilitás, gondolom gyorsabb movement speedje lesz mint a több heronak, illetve a seven-sided strike az már tuti lesz. ;] Végén lesz belőle egy Illidan 2.0, party healekkel kiegészítve ;]

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